
Piers X Reader [Resident Evil-fic]

Deviation Actions

xXGiggleDeathProXx's avatar

Literature Text

Piers X Reader


Gunshots. Rapid firing. Many new clips are sunk into almost an immortal target. Death everywhere. No one can escape, no one can close their eyes from it.

Today is an unofficial retake of the Bloody Sunday, in the style of the 21th century. Zombies. C-virus. Chaos. New mutations called J’avos. Many infected fighters. Earlier so lively city of China called Lanshiang got a beautiful stripe of blood to decorate its cheek.

All honor for this tragedy belongs to Umbrella, once again.


“Alpha Team, there’s three hostages in that building right next to you, save them and quickly!” was the assignment from the headquarters. The captain of the team pressed his ear-bud and answered quickly: “Roger that. We’re on our way.”

The clattering of military boots against hard asphalt approached as a young lieutenant inquired the situation from his captain. “Well?”

“We have to save the hostages in that building right next to us”, Chris Redfield declared loud enough so that all other members of the group would understand the assignment. Lieutenant Piers Nivans nodded and followed his captain to a bit decrepit-looking Chinese apartment building. He gazed around all the time, ready to shoot any possible enemy nearby. When the whole group, or what was left of it, was there, Chris gave more detailed information.
“Now everyone listens to me. Each of you! When you enter through that door, our mission is to save three hostages. I need you to stay together as one group because if everyone goes to wander around on their own, you’ll end up becoming the dinner of the mutants. Clear?”

Chris might have sounded more like a slave-driver to a passerby, but he was far from that. The spreading of a biovirus wasn’t a joke of any sort, so the captain of the team had to stay in control of every situation. Piers followed from aside how Chris managed to infuse faith in his men with his own example and charisma. He had seen and gone through so much that no one could doubt his leadership skills.

Credibility was the thing that made Chris a strong leader for Piers, no matter what the situation was.

The team answered to Chris’ rhetorical question affirmatively. By flashing a little smile the captain bided:
“Excellent. Now, follow me and show to the HQ what you’re made of!”

Piers reloaded his rifle and followed the team into the depths of the apartment. He saw old Chinese posters and commercials, indefinite stuff laying abandoned here and there and felt how the first enemy was close. His eyes, sharp as an eagle’s, scanned the view closely. Yet he saw nothing unusual.

C’mon, show yourself you fucking bastard…

When nothing jumped in front of the team, Chris gave a signal to go to the next floor after checking out the first one. Finnick, the rookie of the team, had found only weird traces on the floor yet saw nothing or nobody.

Piers walked right after Chris and suddenly noticed something moving in the right corner of his field of view.
“Captain, there’s something at one o'clock.”

Soon a cry for help echoed in the building and the team noticed a J’avo dragging a mid-aged man with it. The team with Chris on the lead followed the creature through dirty and destroyed apartments, opening fire towards it.


I hear guns singing their serenade of death, closer and closer. They might not be Umbrella’s crew…

No, Umbrella wouldn’t send real humans after me. They have to be good guys, then.

But what is “good” and “right” in a situation where both parties only kill each other in order to stay alive? Is it our right to kill things unfamiliar to us in the name of our own survival?

Don’t know about that right but someone will always end up stomped on the ground. And no one wants to be that one.

I’d love to sing a song but I’ve forgotten how to control my own body. What a pity. I’d like to sing so that every each of those mutated bastards would hear it and they’d come and kill me for pure fury.

Why not? Maybe I’m able to do so.


This creature was surprisingly wise. Alpha Team had a really hard time trying to get the hostage back in one piece. Marco did his best with machine gun but got barely any visible bruises on the creature’s skin. Chris tried to invent new tactics to trick the mutation with and commanded Piers on guard with his rifle. “Piers, find a good spot where to shoot and wait for my signal!”


The man did find a good spot from the stairs that lead to the next floor. He made sure his gun was loaded and waited for the signal while Chris drove the monster out of its hideout. It would take a little while before the sniper would get an ideal moment to shoot.

A bit impatiently Piers shuffled and sharped his every sense. Suddenly his ears caught a human voice coming from the third floor. The man became unnerved when he somehow recognized the voice.

As if someone is singing… No, it cannot be!


"If we all fall down
We fall before moving wheels
Crushing between the gears..."
sung first a bit blunder female voice. The voice was full of power yet something made a big crack in it.

"Piers! Now!"

Piers aimed quickly to the monster that had appeared in his field of view. He didn’t hit its weak spot but close enough so that the team could take on the rest. Piers messed up his hair absent-mindedly, cursing to himself. He was on the field, he shouldn’t do amateur’s mistakes like that!

But that voice of a woman had caught his attention too well… Singing had stopped for a little moment when the team had opened fire but continued after that even louder.

"I can't take it anymore..."

“Well done, Piers… What is it?” Chris said for praising his talented friend but read from the man’s body language that everything wasn’t okay. The young man looked abnormally unsure and confused at the same time, even though he usually didn’t blink an eye during the missions.

“N-nothing… My focus just became unnerved for a while”, the young man explained. He felt like going crazy any minute.

“Keep it up if you wish to go home some day”, Chris said and commanded his team on the run. Piers’ moving away from the stairway was slower than ever. He didn’t want to go.

"Watch the world burn
It sets the air on fire~"
the woman continued to sing as if she’d waited for Chris to leave before continuing.


I’m able to sing!

After all these months spent like a canary in a cage I’m still able to sing!


It’s been a long time since something has been wonderful, actually.


“Hey, has anyone seen _____? I’ve been looking for her everywhere”, a young soldier asked worryingly from his captain who should have taken her to the BSAA’s headquarters.

Chris coughed and moved his weight from one leg to another. Piers knew immediately that everything wasn’t okay. Chris hardly ever tried to find the right words to tell something with.

He did so only when something very bad had happened.

Chris gazed at his partner Jill as if for asking her to tell the bad news for him.

Piers started to lose his cool. “Tell me! Where is she?!”

Jill swallowed once and looked at Piers with an apologetic gaze. “She… got kidnapped.”

"What the he-"

“Umbrella’s crew did a surprise attack, surrounded our car and stunned us with gas. None of us, not even Chris, was able to do something. I somehow managed to watch how she tried to fight against. Sheva and John tried to follow the kidnappers but they get away easily”, Jill told. “I’m sorry. It happened so fast that we didn’t stand a chance.”

Piers’ legs didn’t carry him anymore. He had to sit down to process what have happened.

“What are they going to do to her?” he asked weakly even though he didn’t want to know.

Chris gave a shrug of uncertainty. “Let’s hope for the best… But they clearly wanted her alive.”

“It doesn’t tell anything”, the young man sighed. He felt so powerless. If he had been there, could he have done anything?

Piers tracked down the kidnappers for months, trying to find even a small clue that could tell what had happened to her or where she was kept. As time went by, uncertainty of her well-being grew and Piers carried a bigger burden of guilt on his shoulders. He wasn’t ready to admit that he may never find her.

Also when he went to China, some part of him hoped thr he would find a clue of some sort.


While you glided your finger along the broken and messy glass you spotted some explosions from the outside. The city was in ruins, nothing that one could classify as a human being walked the streets.

"Watch the world burn..." you hummed. Irony had always been your favorite genre of humor, and nothing was more fun to your twisted mind than dancing on other people’s graves.

“You’re more resilient than I had thought”, Piers’ voice echoed from behind. You jumped a bit because you expected that the team would have gone already. He tried to sound somehow sarcastic but you distinguished only confused relief from his voice.

“I’m not that easy to get the rid of”, you smirked, your gaze still locked on the window. “Not even for Umbrella.”


“Let go! No!!” you screamed futile commands to the hooded men. There was a dangerously glimmering red and white logo of Umbrella on their jackets. The men looked at each other and threw you on the hard floor of a van. During the time you flew through the air you saw Jill gazing at you powerlessly for the last time. You thudded on the ground and cried for pain. After a moment’s hesitation you tried to open the door and look through the car’s little window.

“Everything went as expected”, a deep male voice reported to the driver.

“The woman is with us in one piece? Great”, an unknown female voice answered.

Where have I heard that voice before?

Then the driver pressed a button and the window closed, so you couldn’t hear the rest. You leant against the wall of the car and sighed, trying to push the worst-case scenarios aside. Instead of fear, you head was filled up with questions. Why did they kidnap you instead of the others? What are they going to do to you? And who was behind the idea?

Soon the car braked and you jumped because of the power of the jolt. The door was opened, and new masked guys grabbed your wrists, using a bit too much force. You were in a sealed warehouse, so you had no clue of where it was located. Otherwise mute guys with masks dragged you along long hallways, but when you arrived in front of big wooden doors one of them instructed:
“Behave and hope for the best.”

The voice let know that one of your escorts was a female, but you got no time for questions when they opened the doors and threw you in. It seemed like throwing people around was their idea of fun.

You coughed and shook dust from your clothes, gazing around. The room was really huge and precious-looking. Big, red curtains had been pulled over windows at least three meters high, huge bookshelves decorated the two opposite walls. The floor was cold and made of stone, there were no carpets for softening the landing. The room was in two levels, at the doors lower and three meters from that started stone stairs to the level of the windows. There was also a mahogany table right after the stairs and behind that a big armchair.

You walked around the room carefully, waiting for something unpleasant to jump in your back at any moment. You stroke the surface of the table, wondering to whom it belonged. Whose economy wouldn’t collapse when building something like this?

“Welcome to my humble home”, a weird male voice said from right next to you. You could have sworn that he wasn’t there a second ago!

"T-thank you?"

“Please forgive my unpleasant way to call someone over”, he apologized, but everything else in him except the words signaled that he wasn’t sorry. On the contrary.

End up being kidnapped by a psycho, yay, great job… you congratulated yourself.

The man looked very weird, someone could use the adjective “scary” for describing him. He got black sunglasses and a black long leather jacket, and his blond hair was combed along his head, probably with water. (And a lot of gel...) The latter feature was a very bad thing. Only certain type of people used that hairstyle: people who wanted full control of everything and didn't hesitate to use every trick in the book for getting it. They might also have a tendency to be crazy, depending on the case.

“What... gives me an opportunity like this?” you asked, not caring how sarcastic your question might sound.

The corners of the man’s mouth turned into a smirk that shouted three words: You are screwed.

“Well, well… You’re the first one who takes her position as an opportunity. You’re a really promising one. And if the lab tests apply… Yes, my lady, this is the best opportunity of your life this far”, he congratulated, but when he was about to offer his hand for you to shake, he suddenly backed up.
“My apologizes, I almost forgot to look in the eyes when shaking hands. Here you go.”

The man took off his sunglasses and shook your hand with his hand, cold as ice. You didn’t blink an eye. You knew your coffin was sealed when you saw the glow of his ruby red eyes staring right into your soul.

“Albert Wesker. Tell to the laboratory workers that I’m in charge of you so you’ll avoid deadly doses.”

Deadly doses… The words hit your consciousness and almost paralyzed you.

You somehow managed to tell your own name. The man’s calm derangement was breathtaking… in a bad way.

The following months were hellish. Your life spun around one five square meters wide room and laboratory. Reveille at six o’clock, breakfast and after that going to the tests. Personal space, feelings and time for yourself were not understood terms in there.

Those experiments weren’t just harmless vaccinations. You lived through sample-taking and testing the pain threshold by biting your tongue, but you felt like you had lost your human value when the workers of Umbrella started exercise stress tests. Time-outs were not allowed, the level rose incredibly high and it didn’t help either when Wesker injected you with something that paralyzed your ability to control your body. You ran until your body was literally on its limits, and the workers had to help you back on your feet. Because of the substance you had got, you weren’t able to eat with your own accord which turned out being a real con to everyone. The workers already pondered the possibility of getting a new guinea pig, but for your luck Wesker had absolutely prohibited that. “You’ll keep her alive or everybody else will go down with her. Understood?”

But who would have wanted to die for one failed experience. So, the team invented the antidote and tried again. When they had run enough experiments with the substance that disrobed one’s free will, you got promotion for a couple of weeks. Your job was to be the assistant of the work group, under Wesker’s supervision. First you wondered why you were given a permission for that instead of being locked up in your room… But you got it on the first day.

Even Wesker’s antidotes wouldn’t have saved you from the next step of the project.

“Wesker, what’s that you're giving to him?” you asked, trying not to sound too curious. You gave him the syringe that he pressed on an innocent guinea pig. You had stopped astonishing how calmly you behaved around him even though you knew your life was on his hands. One can get used to anything indeed.

“You’ll see it soon…” he smirked. According to the co-workers, one had to wait for the reaction around a couple of hours… And of course, you ended up having the first watch with Wesker. (Which was, despite of it all and because of everything, very uneasy.) During the first hour the test subject didn’t show significant symptoms, yet he scratched himself quite often and, as time went by, more aggressively.

But after two hours the man’s skin started to peel off quickly and instead of it, there grew… a monster from inside of the man. Wesker called it “the preliminary level of J’avo”, but for you it was just a monster. The man’s skin festered and changed its color to black, a new mutation peeled from his back, which was simply nauseous. Death, at its purest state, was the only thing that glowed in its eyes.

Even the new mutation didn’t make you feel as bad as the reactions of the workers. One didn’t seem to care, the second exulted and the third listed things that could be done better next time to Wesker.
Still, no one regretted or was horrified, except for you. Thanks to (also) those thousands of different substances and compounds that had been injected in you, the reality started to form another version of itself. There was this reality: you, the lab and room of five square meters, everything strictly under Wesker’s control. Thinking was rational, definite and tunnel-vision-like. You lived to work and worked to live. Then, there was another reality that seemed to be, bit by bit, further away from you: freedom, outdoors… and Piers. The reality of dreams, smile and stupid screw-ups.

You knew you still had feelings when you remembered Piers and found yourself wiping tears from your eyes. He surely was either grief–stricken or a robot that went on without thinking. You knew Piers so well that there were no other options.

Sometimes you missed his plain smile more than anything else.

The situation was horrible, but you couldn’t escape it. Wesker had inserted tracking on your clothes, so adventures around the place didn’t even cross your mind. Escaping with only a towel around you didn’t tempt you either, since your human value wasn’t much for Umbrella…

It had been already a year, and the C-virus had been developed almost perfect. You knew that when you had a chance to check the results of a certain experiment from the computer (whose internet connection was of course broken). The familiar and safe start screen of Windows 7 brought a painful memory of Piers’ and your tradition to watch stupid Youtube-videos from his laptop… The virus had been developed to perfection: it affected one’s will in minutes, one’s body in seconds. It was changed into a gas version so that the spreading would be more effective, and the target city for attack was quite a vivid city in China. No one asked your opinion about going there with the crew, but on the next day you woke up from ten kilometers above the ground in a plane. Soon the chaos spread around the city along the gas 'storm', and you followed it from an apartment block where you were dumped like trash. It seemed like you weren’t necessary for his plans anymore, so he thought he could get rid of you in that way.

Your body didn’t react to the virus in a way he expected, however. The gas burned your lungs and called a blacksmith to hit your head from inside with a sledgehammer, but when the purple smoke was gone, you were still a human. Without fully realizing what had happened you searched a calm place for yourself and tried to enjoy the first moments of your freedom.

That was surprisingly demanding when freedom was equal to freedom in a city under Umbrella’s attack, far from home.

Far from Piers…


“I… eh… How?” Piers said amazedly.

You smiled truly for the first time in a long while and walked to your beloved one, pressing a light kiss on his lips. They had the taste of bare life, just like you remembered. Piers pulled you closer, to make sure it wasn’t just a daydream. You squeezed him so hard that it could have hurt according to your previous scale of pain, but you didn’t recognize it as pain anymore.

“I missed you too”, you sighed quietly, your heart beating with the same pace as his. All those feelings you had held back during the year started to spill out without control. So you cried, laughed and worried at the same time.

Maybe one didn’t always have to control oneself.

Piers stroke down your hair and tried to come up with something worth saying. He had hoped this to happen many and many times, but when the moment actually came, nothing felt so significant after all.

“Piers, captain here. Where the hell did you go?” a familiar, worried voice asked via the ear-bud of the lieutenant.

“I went for a little adventure, captain”, Piers answered with a spark in the corner of his eye, matter-of-factness still remaining in his voice. After listening for a while he nodded and gave you a signal to get going. Quickly. “I understand. How much do I have time? …Five minutes? Alright”, he replied and fixed the position of his rifle in his back, running downstairs quickly. You followed him without bothering to ask what the problem was now.

“Within five minutes, two rockets will be launched towards this apartment, so it isn’t over yet”, he explained. You gulped and ran towards the stairs next to him, yet only to stop right away. The J’avo had destroyed the building so well that it had caused the stairway to collapse. It was impossible to move the concrete and other stuff with the power of only two people.

“Fuck”, you cursed and glanced around.

“Try to find another way out, everything goes!” Piers ordered with slight alarmedness in his voice.

You rushed towards the doors of the apartments, trying to open any one of them. The first, the second, the third… All locked. You ran to the next hallway, repeating the same pattern. Next to the locked doors there was one door wide open to an apartment. You decided to give it a try. There wasn’t a secret magic elevator to Batmobile like you’d have hoped, yet there were wide windows towards the river right next to the apartment. You checked the time: two minutes used already. Your pulse rose even higher. You didn’t want to die right now!

Piers had run through the whole floor without any solutions. “Found anything?”

You cleaned up the window with your sleeve and looked outside. The river was almost immediately under the apartment. (How that was legal, you didn’t know nor care.) If one hit the river, it could be better than smashing into asphalt. Maybe. “Kinda…”

“Step aside”, he ordered and shot a few bullets through the glass for making it weaker. Then he kicked a hole in it, while you dragged a wooden chair in front of the window from the apartment’s small kitchen. “Ready?” he asked.

“Absolutely not, but let’s go.”

You didn’t want to check the time remaining anymore, so you just took his hand and ran to the door. You squeezed his hand as a signal and you ran together back towards the window. You strode to the window frame with the help of the chair and leaped to the outside of the building. Still, without letting go of each other’s hands, you flew through the air towards dark waters, you screaming and he shouting on the way. Your ears picked also two whizzes coming behind your back, but you didn’t want to look there. Just a moment before your flinged to water you heard how the rockets hit the building. You took a gasp as huge as you could and dived. The pressure of the explosion could be felt even under water. Big and small pieces of concrete fell down around you. You stayed beneath the water so long that your lungs started to scream for the need of oxygen, then you emerged. Piers followed you after a little while, and first he had to get you in sight.

“Still in one piece?”

“Something like that”, you coughed and tried to climb on the street. Your grip shook a bit, so the first attempt failed. Pissed off, you tried again. This time, you refused to give up and managed somehow to make it. The apartment building was nothing but ruins, and fire reigned over it. Sounds of an approaching fire truck were missing, however. A cold wind blew through you, making you cross your arms for keeping even a small amount of heat inside you.

You awoke from observing the surroundings when Piers emerged from the water. He was all wet, dark brown hair soaking with water. In the glow of the flames it looked red. Suddenly the air around was filled with an effusive laughter. Piers must have thought you had bats in the belfry… But maybe that was quite, or even very likely to be, the case.

“Ehehehee… A very usual reunion”, you giggled hysterically, trying to keep your balance. “Oh my… I’m running out of energy soon… Hip hip hooray~”

Piers kissed your forehead and flashed a light smile. “I don’t wonder why. You must have been through a lot if jumping out of an apartment building only makes you laugh.”

"But Piers?"

“Yeah?” the man asked so kindly that it warmed your heart regardless of the fact that it was freezing.

“Should we find Chris and the rest of the Alpha Team?”

“Ah, yeah. I'll try to get him to the other end of the line with my ear-bud… That is, if it still works.” He took off the small, black button from his left ear and tried to dry it. Then he put it back and tried. “Alpha Team, do you read me? Piers here. Where are you?”

The radio crackled, but soon he got a reply: “I read you, Chris here. I was so worried… We’re in front of the place where the B-stair was supposed to be.”

“I’ll be there soon. Piers out.” Then he shut the line and took your hand. “They’re right behind the corner.”

“Good”, you yawned. “Being a badass takes its price.”

Clothes dropping water, you walked towards the main street where a group of familiar-looking men was already waiting. Waiting for Piers, actually.

“Captain, there he comes! …And there's someone else with him also!” Marco shouted.

When you were close enough, Chris looked at you once… And twice. Finally he ran to you and, since you were as dead tired as you were, you slumped in his lap.

"_____... But… What? How?” he marveled.

“Wesker is a nice guy who likes to invite people over for a bit longer periods of time”, you mumbled sleepily. “But what if I’ll tell the details later?”

Chris’ eyes bursted into flames when he heard that name, but Piers glared him, like telling to forget about it this time. “Well… If you wish so”, he approved and carried the tired woman to the helicopter. When the captain had got you and all the others inside, he went to the flightdeck to tell about the situation to the pilot. You sat on an edge place in the chopper, pressing your head against the cold glass. The city you were about leave behind seemed so damn bleak…

“You can lean on me”, Piers offered, still smiling that relieved and blissful smile. You wasn't sure if you had spotted the slighest bit of worry in his aura, but that wouldn't be a great surprise. Gratefully, you pressed your head against his uniform and fell asleep faster than anyone could spell the word ‘cat’.

Chris walked from the flightdeck next to Piers and wondered: “I thought she was an insomniac and needed at least an hour before she could fall asleep…”

“So did I”, Piers smirked.


Heyyyy~ Oh my. The spring did indeed suck all of my energy… Nah. Nature wouldn’t do anything that cruel. It was the IB… *shivers*

Enough of the crying. I decided to finally publish this story I wrote… Last summer. Oh dear. It was around the time I watched RE6 playthrough by one random guy from Youtube. He was so generic that I can’t even remember his name, darn! Anyway, I fell in love with Piers, even though the game itself… Meh. Bad for RE, good for a generic action game. So, I came up with an idea to this and decided to publish it as one, longish story instead of parts. It just works better in this way, I think.

(Spoiler incoming, skip the next part if you haven’t seen RE5 or RE6 already)


I do know that my story doesn’t follow the storyline of RE6 or RE5. I just wish Wesker didn’t die in 5. He was the greatest villain in the history of video games, damn it! That’s why I brought him back to the time of RE6 in this >:3 Even though he’s not the villain in 6, I made him to be. Wesker can replace that dude from 6… the fuck was his name… (you see? also he is so generic that I can’t remember him! …was it Simmons or something? I searched that from Google… ^^’) any day! Hope you can still enjoy my little story. I guess some thinking outside the box is good for us fan fiction writers every once a while… But I hope Capcom doesn’t discard Wesker from future RE-games, movies or other things completely. At least we can play as Wesker in RE: Revelations 2’s Raid Mode… That’s a good sign. But still… I want my Wesker to attempt to destroy the world one more time.


(Continue from here)

Piers is indeed a great character. I kind of did this to show my respect for him. I got some practice to write about Wesker, as well. Hope I managed to capture their personalities well enough. At least Wesker is as evil as I see him.  

Ah, and don’t worry. I have more RE-related stories in store… The next being about Leon, the RE4-version. Meh meh. Whenever I have time to finish the translation, of course… I guess the next thing to do would be to publish the third part of the request… And then about Wesker…

But now I have spoken enough, it’s your turn. Opinions, comments, debates, faves, anything. Feel free to leave a comment, and so on. You know the deal. Thank you for reading~ :heart:

Sources/copyright things: 

(Oh, and the song the reader sung is called Watch the World Burn by Trivium. It’s awesome. I would really like to see the world burn one day… Would be a great fire indeed with massive flames... *eyes sparkling*)

Characters (Chris Redfield, Albert Wesker, Piers Nivans, Jill Valentine, Sheva Alomar): © Capcom

Story: © me

Cover image: ピアーズ

Pixiv ID: 30924680


Listening: The Chosen Pessimist by In Flames

P.S. Any idea, what could be a good name for this story? I absolutely suck at naming things...

© 2015 - 2024 xXGiggleDeathProXx
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xA7XxFICTIONx's avatar
Pleeeeeease make this into a story!